Sales Times

Our live auctions are held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Please see our weekly auction schedule:

To help our customers plan their visit to Central Car Auctions and to let our online customers know what time vehicles will be offered for sale, we’ve introduced a running order. As well as a lot number, each vehicle entered for sale will have a running order number allocated to it. Please note, our sales run at approximately 40 - 45 lots per hour for both Hall 1 and Hall 2.

Plus, if you can’t make an auction in real time, simply visit our new ProxyLiveBid function when you sign in, which allows you to access vehicle appraisals and photographs up to 24 hours before the auction and place a bid by proxy.

If you need more information, our team will be happy to help. Please call our Glasgow site on 0141 773 6000.